Rethink what is possible in Digital Printing

Digital Printing has always offered flexibility and a more cost effective option for smaller print runs. Normally a client would be advised to print Litho when a job included spot colours or when premium quality and finishes were required. Things have changed because Digital Printing can now offer speed, flexibility and impressive quality – if a Digital expert is has the latest technology.
Our HP Indigo 7900 Digital Press for example can match spot colours and it has inline control for consistent, repeatable colour results. It can also print in white, as well as silvers, golds and metallic inks. Also the topic of flexibility this machine can:
- Print up to 610 micron thickness, on a variety of speciality media.
- Print large finished size “banners”: up to 315mm x 1245mm.
Tandym Digital specialises in premium finishes and enhancements, including spot UV varnishes, raised UV and soft touch laminates. Publishers need look no further, we offer high speed book printing and will print from a quantity of one – ideal for self-publishers. We also offer digital “staples” like variable data printing and personalisation, done to precision.
There are more possibilities than ever. You may be able to print that smaller job digitally to save time and money. Find out more here, get in touch with us or subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here to stay informed.